ÖBB Annual Report 2022

» Key figures for the federal states in the back cover section Apprentices in training 1,978 Total 27 Apprenticeships Route network in km 4,935 Total, of which 3,662 electrified Punctuality in % 95.5 Passenger services total 96.1 Local services 81.4 Long-distance services ÖBB S-Bahn Lines / passengers per day 37 / 446,249 nationwide 10 / 251,546 Vienna / Lower Austria / Burgenland 5 / 26,303 Kärnten 4 / 35,059 Upper Austria 2 / 21,568 Salzburg 6 / 29,108 Styria 7 / 36,409 Tyrol 3 / 46,256 Vorarlberg Railway stations 1,033 railway stations and stops Vehicle fleet 1,052 Number of locomotives 2,769 Number of passenger cars 24,231 Number of freight wagons 2,545 Number of buses